Meal 1 Breakfast - Bran Flakes with Milk and Protein Shake Meal 2 Snack - 2 Protein Carrot and Bran Muffins and Coffee Meal 3 Lunch- Cajun Chicken, Quinoa, BlackBean and Cabbage Salad, Avocado Salsa Meal 4 Snack - Protein Shake and Apple

@shazeats_mandysway you eat every 3 hours, so you never feel hungry, making this the perfect eating plan if other eating programs have left you constantly wanting more food. Instead of skipping meals to lose weight you eat three small meals and two to three nutrient-filled snacks spaced out throughout the day. Your energy levels are optimized and it’s the best way to get back the body tone and shape. Fuel your body with food and eat all day !!!! #whatsinmylunchbox#preparation#cajunchicken#proteinmuffins#health#healthyeating#work#healthy#instahealth#motivation#instagood#lifestyle#getfit#nodiet#balance#followme#changeyourlife#get#nutrition#right#nothing#is#impossible#foodisfuel#eatallday#shazeats#mandysway