LOVE Yourself EMBRACE Vulnerability MOVE Away From Comparing OPEN Your Heart Up In Prayer NEVER Give Up On Yourself AVOID Negativity DISCUSS Your Feelings ENJOY The Moments of Success!!!!
Join @shazeats_mandysway and learn and understand that it is important to self love and take care of your own self . Every action we take, every thought we think and every morsel we put in our body, we are moving towards greater health and vitality or we are moving towards faster aging, illness and death.
Through @shazeats_mandysway learn about how to prioritize optimizing your health through developing strategies of mindful eating. Good Eating is a key component to the functioning of EVERY part of our body and mind. Get that right and everything else will fall into place!!!!

#lemons #lifelessons #negativity #positivity #heal #love #share #care #feelings #talk #youcomefirst #loveyourself #optimizehealth #eatwelllivewell #goodeating #fuelyourbody #balancediet #shazeats #mandysway