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Writer's pictureShazeats

Crumbed Chicken, Sweet Potato Spud filled with Chunky Cottage Cheese, Red Onion and Chopped Peppers

If you feel like crumbed chicken have crumbed chicken....@shazeats_mandysway it’s all about balance. Crumbed Chicken 1kg whole chicken without skin and cut up into pieces 2 tsp Himalayan salt 1 tsp red chili flakes 1 tsp garlic 2 tbsp lemon juice 1/2 cup flour 2 eggs Kellogg’s Cornflakes Breadcrumbs Method 1. Marinate the chicken pieces in lemon juice, garlic, salt and chili flakes. 2. Place in a pot and steam on high until all the water runs out. 3. Let the chicken cool down then dip in flour, then egg and then breadcrumbs. 4. Spray and cook an oven tray and place the chicken at bake at 200 degrees Celsius for 20 mins or until the chicken looks golden . Alternatively place chicken in an air-fryer and air fry at 200 for 10-15 mins. Join @shazeats_mandysway to learn how to enjoy family favorites and adopt lifestyle changes for you and the family. It’s all about sustainability!!!!! 

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