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Cream of Rice with Vanilla Protein, Pistachios, Cardamom and Saffron

A tasty, filling and easy to make rice pudding for suhoor. Cream of rice is a complex carbohydrate and so releases energy slowly throughout the day. You can actually flavour the cream of rice in any way you want. Which flavour combination would you suggest. Inbox me with some ideas. 2tbsp of Cream of Rice 1 cup of fat free milk 1⁄4 tsp of cardamom spice Strands of saffron 1 tbsp of vanilla Protein Powder 2 tsp honey 1 tbsp Pistachios Heat 1 cup fat free milk and add in the 2 tbsps of rice. Add in cardamom spice and strands if saffron. As the rice thickens up mix in the vanilla protein powder and pour the mixture in a bowl. Add some pistachios, a few more stands of saffron and a light drizzle of honey on top. Suhoor Eats with ShazEats on @itv_networks_sa on the Morning Rush Show between 6-8am on Channel DSTV 347 Islamic art in the background by @amina_qamash #suhooreats #shazeats #cardomon #creamofrice #pistachios #saffron #vanillawheyprotein #complex-carbohydrate #recipevideos #tvchef #southafrica #healthyideas #eatwelllivewell #winterwarmer #porridge #ricepudding #balancednotclean #delicious #yummyfood #shazeats #mandysway 

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