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Half and Half, Curried Scrambled Egg on Toast and Fat Free Cottage Cheese and Berries

For breakfast I love the combination of savory followed by a sweet. So when I make eggs I often have a second slice of toast with cottage cheese and berries. It’s an ideal balance .... 

Curry Spiced Onion, Coriander, Green Chili Scrambled Eggs 

@shazeats_mandysway we encourage having eggs for your your breakfast staple, and so it’s important to keep those egg dishes varied and creative. Improvise with omelette, frittatas and egg scrambles. Although, there is nothing wrong with plain scrambled egg whites. 

This curry spiced egg scramble recipe is a delicious and slightly Indian take on the regular scrambled eggs, sometimes I vary it by using Middle Eastern spices instead. It takes around 12 minutes to make, making it a quick and easy breakfast meal. This is a family portion sized recipe and so it serves 3-4 Ingredients * 1 tablespoon olive oil * 1/2 medium red onion, halved and sliced thinly * 1/2 medium brown onion, halved and sliced thinly * ½ teaspoon sea salt * 5 egg whites and 2 egg * 1/4 tsp whole cumin * 1/4 tsp red chili powder * 1/4 tsp ground cumin * 1/4 tsp black pepper * 1/4 tsp salt * 1 tomato chopped and blitzed * Green chili finely chopped * Coriander chopped * 1 tablespoon lemon juice Instructions 1. Heat olive oil in a medium non stick frying pan over medium-high heat. While the pan is heating up, prepare the rest of the ingredients. 3. Add the onions, whole cumin, green chili and salt and cook for 4 minutes, stirring a couple of times, until soft. In the meantime, whisk the eggs on a bowl. 4. Add the tomato and other spices to the onions and stir throughand cook further for another 4 mins. Pour in the eggs and gently stir continuously for about 30 seconds, until the eggs are just cooked through but still glossy. Use the spatula to scrape the cooked egg from the bottom of the pan and fold it into the rest of the mix. 5. Top with freshly chopped coriander and serve with toast. #meal1#breakfast#curriedeggs#spices#corriander#chili#toast#fatfreecottagecheese#berries#halfandfalf#sweetandsavoury#fuelyourbodywithfood#shazeatsmandysway 

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