My message for @shazeats_mandysway I was introduced to Mandy by a friend who had started looking more toned and gorgeous by the day. Well, when I met Mandy, this was the day that I learned a new habit....a new way of eating. Carbs aren’t bad, it’s all about balance and don’t skip a meal!! I have lost 13 Kgs and have another 8 to go!! The best thing about this whole process is Mandy, it’s not a programme, it’s a relationship. She is kind and energetic, encouraging and passionate and when I fall off the truck she is patient and forgiving with a spunk of “get back on girl, you can do it”. We all need someone on this journey with us, and I am glad I have Mandy!! @shazeats_mandysway learn how to adopt healthy eating habits for life and feel empowered when making the healthy choices. Taking bookings fo the new year. Contact details on www.shazeats.com #shazeats#mandysway#healthychoices#empowerment#control#goodlifestylehabits#lifestyle#wayoflife#foodrelationship#support#encouragement#patience#resilience#goodchoices#nutrition#passion#balance#testemonial