Fate would have it that my home in London, has a Planet Organic (healthy eating food shop) literally opened up outside our door step. It was really meant to be!!! Sometimes the universe just has everything planned and things come together so perfectly.

As it says on their website, this food shop lives as is to its motto: ‘When Planet Organic opened its doors in 1995, it was Renée Elliott's dream to offer the best and widest range of organic foods available, and her mission to promote health in the community and to bring a sense of discovery and adventure into food shopping. We hope that you find inspiration, excitement and good health from the food you eat, and learn, like us, that to eat well is to live better.’

This food shop and eatery resonates @shazeats_mandysway of eating. For me this place is a food haven and I am going to bring back lots of goodies to South Africa but for now I’m thoroughly enjoying the food within the store that has splendid selection of nutritious and balance not clean food. Food is freshly prepared by in this store by Chef Mustafa and is just so good.
From sweet potato brownies, protein balls, fresh wholesome salads, hearty soups and open sandwiches, you are spoilt with healthy choices.
Today’s open sandwiches for brunch that I devoured with the family, I didn’t have all three but a bit of each were yummy!!! 1. Egg and Avo Smash Open Sandwich 2. Smoked Salmon and Avo Smash Open Sandwich 3. Teriyaki Aubergine Open Sandwich

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