No matter what time of year, I love eating what's fresh in season. Coming back from holiday and all I see is the most delicious fruit in season. In South Africa we are spoilt for choice in summer. The shops are packed with mangoes, pineapples and lychees. In cooking food it’s best to use seasonal fruits and vegetables. They retain more nutrients than their counterparts making them the better choice for your health. Seasonal foods are cheaper to produce and often cheaper to buy when they are in season as well. Cook and eat the healthiest and freshest seasonal fruit and vegetables available. Eat Well, Live Well @shazeats_mandysway!!!!

Lychee, Chia and Coconut Pudding Ingredients * 3 tablespoons chia seeds * 3 tbsp rolled oats * 2 tbsp dessicated coconut * 1 1/2 cup light coconut milk * 10 peeled and pitted lychees * 2 tbsp ISO Whey Vanilla Protein * 1/4 teaspoon sea salt. * Extra lychee for garnish Directions 1. Place the pitted and peeled lychees in a blender along with the coconut milk and blend until consistent. 2. Pour mixture into a large jar or bowl then add chia seeds, rolled oats, coconut and and stir. Allow to set in the fridge overnight. 3. Remove from fridge, then stir in the whey protein and serve in bowls or jars and garnish with extra lychee. 4. Enjoy! This revitalising pudding provides omega 3s, protein and beneficial fibre. #meal1 #breakfast #pudding #chiaseeds #coconut #coconutmilk #rolledoats #wheypowder #protein #lychee #season #fresh #healthy #nutritious #seasonalfruit #goodforyou #instahealth #instagood #instahappy #instavideo #cooking #cook #recipedeveloper #nutrition #knowledgeispower #live #learn #educate #eatwell #livewell #shazeats #mandysway